Examining Teachers' Decision-making Styles, Social Skill Levels and Ways of Coping with Stress
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Stress, Decision making, Style, Social skillsAbstract
Stress, one of the frequently used concepts in daily life and scientific literature, is a negative situation that largely strains the individual's capacity. Tolerance of stress levels, which is an inevitable element of our lives, varies individually. Individuals' constant expectations and efforts to find new pursuits leave them in a difficult situation when it comes to using the strategies they follow in decision-making. Decision making is the process of choosing one of multiple paths that are intended to lead an individual to the goal he or she wants to achieve. Complex situations make decision making very difficult. Cognitive processes must be processed for the individual to make healthy decisions. In the light of this information, the aim of this study was to examine teachers' decision-making styles, social skill levels and ways of coping with stress. The population of this study in the survey model consists of 250 teachers working in public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the 2022-2023 academic year. The data collected with the survey titled "teachers' decision-making styles and social skill levels and ways of coping with stress", consisting of 4 classification questions and 7 questions with 4 grades; It was analyzed by converting it into graphs containing frequency and percentage using Microsoft Office Excel software. As a result of this study, it was concluded that the best thing that people can do is to make the best decision in line with the conditions and information, and to make new decisions for situations that may cause problems.
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