The Utilization Of Artificial Intelligence And Metaverse In Public Relations Practices: Global And Turkish Contexts
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Public Relations, Artificial Intelligence, MetaverseAbstract
Public relations, like any other institution, functions and sustains its presence in the metaverse era by leveraging various artificial intelligence capabilities and functionalities, requiring compatibility and synchronicity with different AI elements.
In the metaverse space, public relations can overcome obstacles such as low interaction quality by utilizing artificial intelligence technologies and offering new services to audiences, such as live virtual conferences. Employing artificial intelligence in the metaverse, public relations can assess societal opinions, conduct corporate virtual promotions, and provide a virtual shape to education and organizations.
The fundamental question in this article revolves around the relationship between public relations and artificial intelligence, focusing on the impact of artificial intelligence on public relations in the future. The study commences by examining the history and definition of artificial intelligence and subsequently delves into exploring the diverse functionalities of artificial intelligence in the context of the metaverse. Additionally, attention is directed toward the necessities of artificial intelligence in public relations within the metaverse and the significance of artificial intelligence in the context of public relations. The methodology employed in this study involves compiling up-to-date information through a literature review and online sources.
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