Investigation of Foreign Language Pronunciation Anxiety of University Students

Foreign Language Pronunciation Anxiety, English Language Teaching, Speaking AnxietyAbstract
In this study, university students' foreign language pronunciation concerns were investigated. In the research conducted according to the survey model, the level of foreign language pronunciation anxiety of university students receiving preparatory education at Inonu University and whether these pronunciation concerns differ significantly in terms of some independent variables were investigated. No sampling was done within the scope of the research, and an attempt was made to reach the entire population(universe), but students who were absent during the period when the data collection tool was applied and did not want to participate in the research were not included in the scope of the research. In this context, 231 university students constituted the participants of the research. As a result of the research, it was concluded that the pronunciation anxiety of the research participants was low, pronunciation anxiety did not differ significantly according to the status of taking a course in a foreign language, perception of competence and the department studied, whereas perception of success significantly differentiated pronunciation anxiety. It was determined that the gender variable caused a significant difference only in the verbal performance dimension. When the research findings are compared with the opinions and findings in the literature, it can be said that foreign language speaking anxiety can be overcome with practice, and teachers' choices and approaches in the learning-teaching process are effective in reducing this level of anxiety. It is recommended that teachers include applications in alignment with language skills in foreign language classes.
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