Teachers' Digital Competences as A Matter of Concern

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teacher digital efficacy, educational technology, professional anxiety


Educational technology is a tool used in classrooms to enrich the learning experience and enable students to learn more effectively. However, teachers' anxiety about using these technologies is one of the obstacles to successful integration. In this study, the relationship between teachers' digital competencies and their anxiety about using educational technology was analysed. The research was conducted in a relational survey model with a quantitative research method. 316 classroom teachers were included in the study. A Stratified sampling method was used in the selection of teachers. The Digital Teacher Scale was used to determine teachers' digital competencies and the Educational Technology Use Anxiety Scale was used to determine the anxiety arising from educational technologies. The results of the study showed that there was a high level of negative relationship between teachers' digital competencies and their anxiety about using educational technology. Another finding of the study shows that teachers' digital competencies differ in all sub-dimensions according to gender and occupational variables. Similarly, while teachers' concerns about using educational technology differ according to gender and professional seniority variables, they do not differ according to the place of duty variable.


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How to Cite

Seyrek, mustafa, Kuzyaka , E. A., Ceran , M., Tezcan Savsın , O., & Uyar , Şefika E. (2024). Teachers’ Digital Competences as A Matter of Concern. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(43), 762–772. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12603675