Communication Problems Between Preschol Teachers and School Managers

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Preschool education, communication problems, preschool teachers


The purpose of this research; The aim of the study is to examine the communication problems between preschool teachers and school administrators working in independent kindergartens and kindergartens affiliated withhe Ministry of National Education in Izmir, to offer solution suggestions, and to discuss the causes, effects and solutions of communication problems. Within the scope of the study, a qualitative research method was used and semi-structured interviews were conducted. By selecting a sample among the participants; Interviews were held with 18 preschool teachers and 14 school administrators. The data obtained from the interviews were analyzed using the content analysis method. As a result of the research, it was determined that there were communication problems between preschool teachers and school administrators. These include problems such as lack of communication, difficulties in sharing information, conflict and distrust. Factors such as time constraints, role ambiguity and lack of communication skills have been identified as causes of communication problems. In the suggestion section of the study, some steps are suggested to solve communication problems between preschool teachers and school administrators. These include suggestions such as developing communication training programs, diversifying communication channels, creating cooperation and sharing opportunities, ensuring open and regular communication, and using problem solving and meditation processes.

As a result, awareness of communication problems between preschool teachers and school administrators must be increased and solution-oriented steps need to be taken. This research aims to provide guidance and support to prevent communication problems and create a healthier communication environment in preschool education institutions. By implementing the suggestions for solving communication problems, cooperation and interaction between preschool teachers and school administrators will increase, and students' educational quality and satisfaction will be positively affected.


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How to Cite

Çetin, Şadiye Şermin, & Sertbaş, A. (2024). Communication Problems Between Preschol Teachers and School Managers. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(43), 866–881.