Investigation of Lifelong Learning Tendencies of Occupational Health and Safety Students

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Lifelong Learning, Lifelong Learning Tendency, Occupational Health and Safety, Associate Degree


This study, it is aimed to examine the lifelong learning tendencies of the students studying in the Occupational Health and Safety program. Although it is important for students to be open to change and development, to be willing to learn, to follow innovations, to ensure that their existing knowledge and experience are up-to-date, to catch up with the actuality that comes with change and to self-actualise, the current situation of the vocational school profile, the education programs and the necessary arrangements for the necessary arrangements in the system and the planning will be guiding for the necessary arrangements and planning draws attention to the importance of the research. The study was carried out with the survey model, which appears as a quantitative research method. In the study, 426 associate degree Occupational Health and Safety students studying in the province of Istanbul in the 2022-2023 academic year were formed by using the random sampling method. In order to determine the lifelong learning tendencies of associate degree students, the "Lifelong Learning Tendencies Scale" developed by Diker Coşkun (2009) and the personal information form developed by the researcher were used as data collection tools. According to the results of the study, the lifelong learning tendencies of the Occupational Health and Safety program students were examined in terms of variables such as age, gender and class level, which were created in line with the problem, and a significant difference was found in terms of gender, but no significant difference was found in terms of age and class level.


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How to Cite

Karatepe, A. K., Çabuk, A., & İnanlı, E. (2024). Investigation of Lifelong Learning Tendencies of Occupational Health and Safety Students. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(43), 749–761.