Investigation of Factors Affecting The Level of Internet Addiction in Young Adults

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Addiction, internet addiction, young adulthood, cognitive flexibility, differentiation of self


Internet addiction has become more visible with the rapid spread and industrialisation of the Internet worldwide. This study aims to examine the factors affecting the level of internet addiction in young adults. This research was conducted in the relational screening type, which is one of the screening models in quantitative design. Internet Addiction Scale, Digital Addiction Scale, Differentiation of Self Scale, Cognitive Flexibility Inventory and Personal Information Form prepared to determine socio-demographic information were used in the study. The research data were collected from 412 young adult volunteer participants, 329 of whom were female and 83 of whom were male, through Google Forms. The results of the research show that the internet addiction value of young adults is below the average and  the level of differentiation of the self and the level of cognitive flexibility are high. Among the demographic variables, the correlation coefficients between gender, cognitive flexibility and differentiation of self and internet addiction are significant. Internet addiction averages among female participants are higher than male participants. However, the correlation coefficients between the age factor and the variables were not significant. There is a negative relationship between the level of self-differentiation and internet addiction levels of the participants. Cognitive flexibility and differentiation of self levels predicted the total level of internet addiction at a statistically significant level. Cognitive flexibility and differentiation of self levels explain 12.2% of the variance of internet addiction. This study is limited to examining to what extent cognitive flexibility and differentiation of self variables predict internet addiction levels of young adults. In this context, it is recommended to examine different variables with internet addiction in future studies.


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How to Cite

Arslan, K., Çetin, H., & Hatipoğlu, E. (2024). Investigation of Factors Affecting The Level of Internet Addiction in Young Adults. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(43), 804–812.