Absolute Mutashabih Concepts in al-Ḥākim al-Jushamī’s Tafsir Titled al-Tahdhīb fī al-Tafsīr

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Tafsīr, al-Hākim al-Jushamī, al-Tahdhīb fī al-tafsīr, Muhkam, Absolute Mutashabih


In this article, absolute mutashabihs in al-Hākim al-Jushamī’s tafsīr titled al-Tahdhīb al-tafsīr were investigated. In the 7th verse of the Sūrat Āl ʿImrān, it is mentioned that some of the verses of the Qur’ān are muhkam and some are mutashabih. Muhkam means a verse that does not require any explanation to know its meaning. What is meant by mutashabih is a verse that cannot be explained clearly. Since mutashabih is a verse that cannot be explained clearly, various opinions have been put forward by scholars regarding the determination of mutashabih and muhkam verses. According to some scholars, the verses of the Qur’ān are divided into three when compared to each other: Absolute muhkam, absolute mutashabih and in one aspect muhkam and the other mutashabih. Concepts such as al-rūh, dābba al-ardh, al-sūr, al-hurūf al-muqattaa, al-istiwā, al-arsh, al-kursu, lawh al-mahfūz, al-qalam, sidra al-muntahā, bayt al-mamūr, which are mentioned in the Qur’ān and whose nature is known only to Allah, are concepts that fall within the scope of absolute mutashabih. Our research is limited to the absolute mutashabih concepts in the tafsīr of the Mu‘tazilite mufassir al-Jushamī. The aim of the research is to reveal how al-Jushamī handles and evaluates the absolute mutashabihs in the Holy Qur’ān in his tafsīr titled al-Tahdhīb al-tafsīr and whether he interprets the relevant concepts. In this research, al-Jushamī’s 10-volume tafsīr titled al-Tahdhīb al-tafsīr was examined using the literature review method. In addition, the works of other authors who would contribute to our research were also used.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, F. (2024). Absolute Mutashabih Concepts in al-Ḥākim al-Jushamī’s Tafsir Titled al-Tahdhīb fī al-Tafsīr. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(43), 841–852. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.12603972