Dyeing Of Cotton Fabrics Woven At Izmir Olgunlasma Institute With Madder And Fastness Results

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Izmir Maturation Institute , Madder, Weaving, Fastness Tests


Weaving and natural dyeing, two very valuable elements of our culture, are among our cultural heritages that are about to be forgotten. Rapidly developing industrial production has caused hand weaving and natural dyeing, which were the source of income of our society for a long time, to gradually slow down and almost disappear.

With the increasing interest in healthy and environmentally friendly textile products produced by traditional methods, chemical-based products that cause human health and ecological imbalance are not preferred by increasingly conscious societies and have started to become a trend again.

In this study, mordanting processes of traditional fabrics woven within the Izmir Olgunlasma Institute before dyeing, dyeing and fastness tests with the madder (Rubia tinctorium) plant obtained as a result of field research from the Manisa - Kırkağaç Copper basin are included.

The research was conducted using quantitative and qualitative research methods. Field research was carried out using literature review, face-to-face interviews and laboratory study methods. Fastness values ​​of laboratory studies, dyeing recipes and fabric properties are included in this article. All stages were carried out in the natural dyeing and R&D laboratory within the Izmir Olgunlasma Institute.


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How to Cite

Çağan, H., & Aydın, Şule. (2024). Dyeing Of Cotton Fabrics Woven At Izmir Olgunlasma Institute With Madder And Fastness Results. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(46), 1222–1228. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.13881550