An Analysis on Naguib Mahfouz's Novel “al-Bâqî mine'z-Zemen Sâ'ah”

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Naguib Mahfouz, Novel, Egypt's recent history, al-Baqi mine'z-Zemen Sâ‘ah


Naguib Mahfouz, one of the most significant authors of modern Arabic literature, is a world-famous Egyptian writer whose works have been translated into countless languages. He garnered international acclaim by being awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature in 1988. His novel, “al-Bâqî mine'z-Zemen Sâ'ah” (One Hour Remains) delves into the social and political upheavals of modern Egypt through the lens of three generations of the Hamdi Burhan family. The narrative unfolds around the Burhan family, who navigate pivotal historical events, from the 1923 Constitution to World War II, the Palestine War, and the 1952 Egyptian Revolution. The family's dynamics are profoundly disrupted by Hamdi Burhan's second marriage, while his children and grandchildren are deeply affected by the nation's political turmoil. Mahfouz meticulously explores the psychological and social conflicts individuals face during Egypt's modernization process. By delving into the characters' inner worlds, he highlights the impact of this transformative period on individuals. Set primarily in Cairo, the novel reflects the social and economic changes occurring within the city. Spanning a vast timeframe, The Time Will Come masterfully weaves together the intricate tapestry of societal change and its impact on individuals. More than just a family drama, the novel serves as a microcosm of Egyptian society. Consequently, it stands as a significant literary resource for understanding Egypt's recent history and modernization process. In this study, general information about the author's life is given briefly, his novel “al-Bâqî mine'z-Zemen Sâ'ah” is discussed in terms of content; the theme, fiction, plot, characters, language and techniques used in the novel are examined.



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How to Cite

Ünlüer, ceyhun. (2024). An Analysis on Naguib Mahfouz’s Novel “al-Bâqî mine’z-Zemen Sâ’ah”. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(47), 1389–1400.