Examining The Job Engagement of Retail Industry Workers From A Generational Perspective

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Generations, Job Engagement, Retail Indusrty Workers


The retail industry relies heavily on job engagement as a measure of employee performance and overall organizational success, particularly because of its focus on customer service and sales. This study examines generational differences in job engagement among retail employees, focusing on the physical, emotional, and cognitive dimensions of engagement. Conducted with a sample of 264 retail employees in Istanbul, the research employs ANOVA analysis to identify differences across generations. Findings indicate a statistically significant difference in physical engagement, with Generation X exhibiting notably higher levels compared to Generations Y and Z. However, no significant differences were observed in emotional and cognitive engagement across generational groups.

These findings emphasize the importance of adopting tailored engagement strategies within the retail sector. The higher physical engagement among Generation X may reflect their stronger emphasis on job stability and traditional work values. In contrast, younger generations, particularly Millennials and Generation Z, prioritize work-life balance and meaningful work, suggesting that conventional engagement approaches may require adjustment to align with their values and motivations. The study underscores the necessity of understanding generational preferences to enhance employee motivation and retention effectively, advocating for adaptable strategies that foster engagement across diverse age groups in retail. Ultimately, this research contributes valuable insights into how generational dynamics impact job engagement, offering practical implications for targeted management practices in the industry.


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How to Cite

Pekmezcan, Y., & Günsel , M. (2024). Examining The Job Engagement of Retail Industry Workers From A Generational Perspective. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(47), 1401–1407. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14045855