Examination of Ahmet Zeki Kocamemi and Ali Avni Çelebi's paintigs from a plastic point of view
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Ahmet Zeki Kocamemi, Ali Avni Çelebi, Contemporary Turkish ArtAbstract
With the research entitled The study of Ahmet Zeki Kocamemi and Ali Avni Çelebi paintings from a plastic point of view, the interaction of culture and people, the studies that our artists have done for Contemporary Turkish Painting and the new stylistic features have been tried to be understood with the reflections of the trainings received The life of Ahmet Zeki Kocamemi and Ali Avni Çelebi, who are the founding members of the Independent Painters and Sculptors association, their stylistic characteristics, the reflections of the education they received with the Hans Hoffmann workshop years on their art have been observed. While studying the paintings of our artists who set out with cubist and constructivist influences and formed their own styles, descriptive analysis method, one of the qualitative research methods, was used. In order to obtain qualitative data, the works belonging to the artists Prof. Dr. The questions prepared with Tayfun Akkaya's Academic and Interdisciplinary Theory of New Art Criticism were examined from a plastic point of view by applying expert opinion.
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