The Relation Between Empowering Leadership and Employee Performance and the Mediating Role of Employee Creativity
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Güçlendirici Liderlik, Çalışan Performansı, Çalışan Yaratıcılığı, Aracılık EtkisiAbstract
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of employees' perceptions of empowering leadership on their performance and to test whether the concept of employee creativity has a mediating role on this relationship. For this purpose, 282 employees working in the building materials sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Jeddah were determined as the participants. Correlation and hierarchical regression analyses were used to test the relationships and effects between the variables in the study by putting forward hypotheses. SPSS 27 program was used in the study. The results of the analysis findings are as follows: empowering leadership positively affects both employee performance and employee creativity, employee creativity positively affects employee performance. In addition, employee creativity partially mediates the effect of empowering leadership on employee performance. The findings may benefit both researchers and practitioners in the field by drawing attention to empowering leadership in understanding why some employees' performance and creativity are better than others.
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