Aʿlem al-Shantamari of Al-Andalus and His Scholarly Life

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Aʿlem al-Shantamari, Grammar, Al-Andalus, Scholarly Life


Aʿlem al-Shantamari was one of the notable grammarians (nahiv scholars) who lived in Al-Andalus. The period in which Aʿlem al-Shantamari flourished coincided with the era of the Muluk al-Tawa'if, during which small states were established on the former territories of the Umayyad Caliphate in Al-Andalus. The Muluk al-Tawa'if period is recorded as a time of significant political turmoil. However, in contrast to the political instability, this era was known for the significant works produced in the fields of culture and literature, and for the scholars and literary figures who emerged during this time. Aʿlem al-Shantamari is recognized as one of the scholars who flourished in this period. In addition to coming of age during this era, his proximity to the ruling elite and his role in teaching grammar and literature to the children of the ruler in the Abbadi palace made him one of the prominent scholars of his time. Many people joined his circle of learning, and he produced significant works in the fields of grammar and literature.


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How to Cite

Şahin, A. R. (2025). Aʿlem al-Shantamari of Al-Andalus and His Scholarly Life. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 9(50), 86–90. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14788182