Investigation of Senior Pre-Service Science Teachers' Views on Profession Based on their Real School Experiences
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Science teacher, teaching profession, school experience, teaching practice, semi-structured interviewAbstract
It is an essential fact that prospective teachers need to use the theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their undergraduate education in practice. The most important courses in which prospective teachers experience the knowledge they have acquired are School Experience and Teaching Practice. The aim of this study is to reveal the views of senior students studying in the Science Teacher Education program about the effects of the situations they encounter in school experience and teaching practice courses on the teaching profession. The participants of this study consisted of 12 pre-service teachers who were studying in the last year of the Amasya University Faculty of Education Science Teacher Education program in the 2019-2020 academic years. In this study, homogeneous sampling was used as a sampling method. The data of the study were obtained with a semi-structured interview form and analyzed with NVivo 9.0 program. The content analysis method was used to analyze the data. According to the content analysis, the data were grouped under 4 themes: preference for science teaching, post-graduation plan, professional competence, school experience and teaching practice. As a consequence of the study, it was revealed that pre-service teachers made their professional choices, increased their self-confidence and became more professionally competent thanks to a positive school experience and teaching practice experience. In addition, it was concluded that the positive attitudes and behaviors of some school administrations towards pre-service teachers and the negative attitudes and behaviors of some school administrations towards pre-service teachers affected pre-service teachers' professional experiences in this way.
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