An Analytical View of the 28th Verse of Fatir Surah in the Context of the Interpretation of the Word “Haşyat”

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Qur’an, Exegesis, Surah Fatir verse 28, Purchase, Fearing Allah.


Science has its importance and place in every religion and civilization. It is impossible to ignore this. The first command is Read Islâm, which begins with has a distinct superiority and a unique place in this regard. When it is said that Islam and science are identical to each other, it is not exaggerated. The most decisive subject of this is undoubtedly the Holy Qur’an. In this respect, it can easily be said that the Qur’an turned the Islamic civilization into a scientific civilization. Science has been the most determining factor of both faith and worship for Muslims throughout their history. Whether it is local or foreign scientists who have compassion, they will recognize how much importance Islam attaches to knowledge and the owners of knowledge when it comes to Islamic culture and civilization. Even some orientalists have been amazed by the importance that Islam attaches to science and its systematics. While the situation is at this center, different interpretations and analyzes have been made about the verses of the Qur’an, just as there are different interpretations and analyzes about each sacred text. In fact, the interpretations and comments related to the subject are not opposite to each other but are sections that complement each other. In this study, the content of verse 35/28 of the Fatir sura in the Qur’an is discussed. The dictionary meanings of concepts such as muradif al-Hawfu, ez-Za'ru, er-Ru'bu, er-Rahbatu, al-Faza'u, al-Helelu, al-Heybetu, al-Wajasu, al-Wajalu and al-Wahelu were given to the word al-Hashyetu mentioned in the verse and related to scientists, and the interpretations of linguists and commentators on these concepts were analyzed. In the study, it is not enough to analyze the synonyms of the word “haşyat” in the verse, but narrations about sciences and scholars in the hadiths are given when appropriate.


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How to Cite

Çiçek, H. (2023). An Analytical View of the 28th Verse of Fatir Surah in the Context of the Interpretation of the Word “Haşyat”. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(34), 1000–1011.