Emotional Intelligence as A Predictor of Preschool Teachers' Life Satisfaction
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Emotional intelligence, life satisfaction, preschool teacherAbstract
In this study, the relationship between life satisfaction and emotional intelligence levels of preschool teachers was examined and the level of emotional intelligence levels of teachers affecting their life satisfaction was discussed. The research was designed as a quantitative study conducted with the survey model. The research group consists of 275 teachers working in various preschool institutions. The teachers included in the study were selected by random sampling method and voluntarily participated in the study. As a result of the research, it was determined that teachers' emotional intelligence levels differed in various sub-dimensions according to marital status, professional seniority and education levels, but their life satisfaction levels did not differ within the framework of these variables. In addition, the findings of the research show that while there is a significant relationship between life satisfaction and emotional intelligence, emotional intelligence cannot explain life satisfaction at a significant level.
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