Elements Playing a Role in School Management According to School Principals

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school principals, school management, authority sharing


The subject of this research is the elements that play a role in the management process of school principals and the effects of these elements on management processes. The research was conducted in phenomenological design with a qualitative research method. The study group of the research was formed by 27 school principals determined by stratified purposive sampling method. The data obtained from the school principals were analysed by content analysis and divided into codes in accordance with the themes created. In addition, due to the data security of the participants, the participants were coded according to the type of school they worked in throughout the analysis. The findings of the study show that school principals prefer to share their authority with assistant principals. In addition, school administrators pointed to legal obligations as the reason for these preferences. Another finding of the study is related to the support school principals receive in the management process. According to this finding, school principals receive more support from assistant principals, teachers, parents and auxiliary staff in the management process. In the management style that is in the ideals of school principals, school principals think of sharing their authority with assistant principals, teachers, students and parents. The study showed that school principals do not think of sharing authority with students.


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How to Cite

özdemir, cengiz, Yılmaz, A., Hallaç, T., & Boyraz, E. (2023). Elements Playing a Role in School Management According to School Principals. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(36), 1682–1692. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10258206