The Problem Of Freedom In The Metaverse; Really? Is İt Fake?
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Metaverse, Freedom, Illusion, TroubleAbstract
In this study, the possibility of freedom, which is essentially a practical phenomenon within the artificial reality designed by human hands, is discussed. It is claimed that freedom, which can be defined as the privilege of choosing human behavior, taking moral action and designing, is difficult to achieve in the metaverse shaped within a number of technical patterns.
Freedom, whether considered in terms of action or thought, gains meaning through the choices the individual makes within the unlimited possibilities surrounding him. Situations in which opportunities or choices are restricted or absent indicate a structure in which the individual is spiritually and mentally restricted and lacks freedom.
It should be well understood that the unlimited freedom promised to the individual by the Metaverse's digital codes consisting of ones and zeros is under the control of those who write these codes or those who finance them and are shaped according to their wishes. In this context, it should be stated that freedom is no different from a mirage in the technological pattern that is controlled by other individuals.
In this study, it has been revealed that freedom is not a possibility within the scope of the metaverse, and that individuals' movements in the virtual universe are open to manipulation outside their own consciousness, and in this context, freedom may disappear within the digital pattern.
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