The Relationship Between Teachers' Satisfaction Levels and Happiness Levels

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Teacher, Happiness, Satisfaction, Level


Human beings have tried to define, understand, capture and experience happiness since their existence. It is known that the path to a happy life is through making the right decisions. The more correct the decision made, the higher the level of life satisfaction will be. Living standards that reach the satisfaction level will increase the level of happiness and even reach the maximum level. Decision making is the process of choosing one of the multiple paths and alternatives presented to an individual while advancing toward his goal. Complex situations make decision making very difficult. In order for the individual to make a healthy and correct decision, the entire cognitive process must function. In light of this information, the aim of this study was to examine the relationship between teachers' satisfaction levels and happiness levels. The population of this study in the survey model consists of a total of 250 teachers, 120 male and 130 female, working in public schools affiliated with the Ministry of National Education in the 2022-2023 academic year in Afyonkarahisar and Diyarbakır province. The data collected with the survey titled "Examination of the Relationship Between Teachers' Satisfaction Levels and Happiness Levels", consisting of 4 classification questions with 4 grades and a total of 6 questions and prepared with expert opinions; It was analyzed and interpreted by converting it into graphs containing frequency values and percentage values using Microsoft Office Excel and Microsoft Office World programs. As a result of this study, it has been determined that the happiness levels of people whose satisfaction level is at the highest level, that is, whose ego is satisfied, who have achieved the desired and carefree, serene life, are also at the highest level.


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Author Biographies


15 temmuzz şehidi askeri çoban ilkokulu ergani öğretmen

Veysel Oğur, MEB

zübeyde hanım anaokulu hani

Emre Kaya, MEB

toki ilkokulu

Hilal Karaer, MEB

hacı Lütfiye kocaşaban anaokulu

Erdem Şılak, MEB

küçükhöyük ilkokulu

Hatice Merve Gördes, MEB

halk eğitim merkezi

İsmail Baş, MEB

çobanlar kocaöz ilkokulu

Numan Topgün, MEB

mareşal Fevzi çakmak ortaokulu


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How to Cite

GÜZEL, B., Oğur, V., Kaya, E., Karaer, H., Şılak, E., Gördes, H. M., Baş, İsmail, & Topgün, N. (2024). The Relationship Between Teachers’ Satisfaction Levels and Happiness Levels. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(39), 331–341.