Examining The Relationshıp Between Adults' Fear Of Old Age And Life Satisfaction

Old Age, fear of old age, life satisfactionAbstract
Fear of ageing is an expression of people's anxiety about ageing. People experiencing fear of ageing may worry that their appearance will change, that they will lose their independence, that they will not be productive after retirement, that their mobility will deteriorate, and that they will develop diseases. Life satisfaction is a rational comparison of what people have with what they think they deserve and what they desire to have. This study was planned to determine the fears and life satisfaction of adult individuals in old age and to examine the relationship between these two concepts. In this study, in which the general survey method was used, the Personal Information Form, the 'Fear of Old Age Scale' developed by Kara et al. (2023), and the 'Life Satisfaction Scale' adapted by Dağlı and Baysal (2016) were used to collect data. The sample of the study consisted of 275 people, 232 of whom were female and 43 of whom were male, who accepted to participate in the study, determined by convenient sampling method. It was found that the fear of old age and life satisfaction of the adult individuals participating in the study were above the average, and significant differences were found between the fear of old age and marital status and chronic disease variables. In addition, it was determined that as age increases, the level of fear of old age decreases, and as the level of life satisfaction increases, the level of fear of old age decreases.
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