Religion, Tafsir, Sect, the Context Between Them and the Effects of Tafsir on Sects

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Religion, Holy Quran, Sect, Interpretation


People who were sent to earth along with the history of the world's existence have continued their lives within belief systems since the day they existed, and belief has always had an important place in their lives. Besides their own religious beliefs, they have always had an interest in other beliefs and traditions. While each religious tradition creates its own behavioral structure and its framework of belief, it has always been in communication with other religious traditions. The Holy Quran was sent to address all segments of society; The opportunities of the region were tried to be understood with the talent, intelligence and scientific knowledge of the people living there, and from this the science of tafsir was born. Hz. After the death of the Prophet, both the Quran and the Prophet Muhammad. Sects were formed with different interpretations of the sunnahs of the Prophet. The aim of this article is to examine all aspects of the phenomenon of religion, the relationship between interpretation and sects, and the effects of interpretation on sects. Scientific articles and master's theses were examined for the research. Although the purpose of the emergence of sects was in the political and social fields, it has been observed that they later spread to the fields of faith and belief. The emergence of sects as a result of numerous and different interpretations has had many effects on social, political, worship and belief.


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How to Cite

Bilik, M. Şafi. (2024). Religion, Tafsir, Sect, the Context Between Them and the Effects of Tafsir on Sects. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(42), 713–725.