Topic Continuity and Reference Management: A Pragmatics-Based Approach to the Interlanguages of Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language

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Coherence, Reference Management, Interlanguage, Turkish as a Foreign Language, Pragmatics


Coherence, one of the criteria that a text must have to be considered as a "text", refers to the semantic connection of linguistic codes in the text with each other and with the outer world. When creating their texts, language users construct them by selecting appropriate linguistic tools to refer to the entities to ensure coherence. These linguistic tools are grammatical forms used to ensure that the referral system in the text producer's mind is understood correctly and appropriately by the text receiver. The traceability of the referral system ensures that the text is clear and understandable. These forms include referential tools such as Full Noun Phrases, Pronouns and Zero Anaphora, which are important for the text receiver to understand who or what is being talked about, who the event/situation is about. Therefore, the text producer creates a tracking pattern using these tools on the cognitive level. The referral pattern and the functions of referrals can vary between languages. This study examines the use of referential linguistic tools in narrative written texts constructed by English-speaking learners of Turkish as a foreign language. The database consists of narrative texts obtained from English-speaking learners of Turkish and native Turkish speakers. This study aims to investigate the distribution of referential elements such as Full NPs, Pronouns, and Zero Anaphora in narrative texts produced by learners of Turkish as a foreign language. It also aims to describe the management of these elements by learners in the process of creating a text, and thus to obtain findings related to their interlanguages and discourse acquisition. To achieve these aims, the texts produced by learners of Turkish as a foreign language are compared to a referral pattern model created in light of the findings obtained from native Turkish speakers forming the database of the study.


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How to Cite

Koç, S. (2024). Topic Continuity and Reference Management: A Pragmatics-Based Approach to the Interlanguages of Learners of Turkish as a Foreign Language . Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(44), 948–962.