Ottoman Period Botanical Painting and its Reflections to Contemporary Art, Design and Scientific Painting

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Botanic, Botanical Painting, Design, Art, Illustration


Throughout history, the positive effects of plants on human health have been on the agenda of scientists dealing with medicine. Medicines and supplementary foods obtained from plants have been transferred from the past to the present and laid the groundwork for the formation of a very large library on this subject. The books of İbn-i Sina, known as Avicenna in European countries today, started to be taught as textbooks in western civilization universities. Apart from this, world-famous Muslim scientists and physicians such as Ali Bin Abbas, Ammar Musuli, Ali bin Isa, Abu Bakr er-Razi, Ibn Sina, İbn-i Nefis, Akşemsettin Hz, İbn-i Hatip, Abbas Vesîm Efendi, have worked in the field of medicine and medicine. They wrote many scientific works that contributed to the development of humanity in all aspects. In the Ottoman period, many medical scholars brought valuable works to the service of humanity with their works. Although the botanical painting, which came to the last period of the Ottoman period, was revealed as a result of meticulous and hard work, unfortunately, it did not receive the necessary attention after the Republic Period. Although botanical painting lessons have been given in many art courses in our country in recent years, the number of works prepared on this subject is still limited when compared to other arts. The research was carried out to examine scientific works on botanical subjects made in the Ottoman Period and today's botanical painting in terms of art and design.


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How to Cite

AYÇE, M. T., TURAN, E., & YILMAZ, İbrahim. (2023). Ottoman Period Botanical Painting and its Reflections to Contemporary Art, Design and Scientific Painting. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(33), 947–969.