Semiotic Analysis of Patriarchal Signs, Ideology and Hegemonic Masculinity in Magazine Advertisements

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semiotic, signs, meaning, gender


Media discourse is seen as big impact on human life. The television,cinema  ad are the types of media channel and they convey signs of men and women in a broader sense human life and aspect. In this  current study, the researcher tries to explore these research questions: how do images hold and employ meaning in terms of gender roles in magazine advertisements. The researcher studies six (6) ads which are taken from different websites. In this study, the researcher tries to  reveal what are images trying to say and how do they persuade and influence people in terms of gender roles and stereotype .

The current study uses descriptive qualitative analysis. Goffman theory (1979) of gender analysis is used in the study. The  researcher explains the sign  based on Saussure’s (2011) signified and signifier system in order to reveal gender roles,  gender streotypes.  The study suggests that the women figures are shown as sexual objects, in this sense, the current study concludes that the magazine ads use sexist discourse and  they include hegemonic nature while portraying  the concept of femininity and masculinity.


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How to Cite

Güzel, S. (2023). Semiotic Analysis of Patriarchal Signs, Ideology and Hegemonic Masculinity in Magazine Advertisements. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(34), 1238–1249.