Entrepreneurial Behavior Levels of Teachers
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The aim of this research is to reveal the entrepreneurial behavior levels of teachers regarding entrepreneurship skills, which is one of the 21st century skills, and whether this varies according to the teachers' characteristics. The research was conducted in a quantitative and survey model. In the study, data was collected by reaching 333 teachers using an easily accessible sample selection. The SPSS program was used in the analyses. In the analysis, the reliability of the data was found to be high and it was determined that the data showed normal distribution. Parametric tests were used in the analyses. As a result of the research, teachers' entrepreneurial behavior levels were highest in the item where the plans were actually implemented. This was followed by the item "trying to solve a problem effectively when there is a problem within the school", while the lowest average was "avoiding risky situations". It was determined that teachers' entrepreneurial behavior levels were high in all dimensions and generally. However, the highest level is in the dimension of taking initiative. This is followed by the dimension of recognizing opportunities. The lowest level is in the risk-taking dimension. It has been observed that teachers' entrepreneurial behavior levels do not differ significantly according to teachers' personal characteristics, age and seniority, but they do differ significantly according to gender, marital status, career, branch and the district where they work. It has been concluded that teachers' entrepreneurial behavior levels are higher in favor of men in the risk-taking dimension and general entrepreneurial behavior level according to their gender, and that singles have higher averages than married ones in the level of recognizing opportunities and general entrepreneurial behavior according to their marital status. According to their career levels, it has been determined that the entrepreneurial behavior of teachers with the title of teacher in terms of recognizing opportunities, taking initiative, taking risks and general entrepreneurial behavior is higher in all dimensions and in general than those with the title of head teacher. There are significant differences in opportunities, initiative taking, risk taking and general entrepreneurial behavior levels according to branches. The difference is high in favor of teachers of secondary school branches, preschool, classroom and vocational courses. It has been determined that teachers' entrepreneurial behavior levels vary significantly depending on the district they work in, in terms of taking initiative, risk taking and general entrepreneurial behavior.
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