What Is Religion? Features of Islam Religion
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Religion, Religions, Characteristics of the Islamic ReligionAbstract
Humankind's discussions about religions have continued since the beginning of the world. It is possible to see the traces of humanity's religions in this adventure of existence. Human beings, who have developed different beliefs and systems in different geographies, have created many beliefs. Every belief and religion has seen itself as the defender of truth and reality. The main aim of human beings here is to reach the unchangeable. When we look at the classical explanations, they express themselves with the argument that each different religion actually shows a single truth. This has continued from traditional religions to the present day. Religion continues to exist as the determinant of our lives. Explaining the concept of religion is not as easy as it is stated, it is a subtle and detailed issue that leaves people unclear about a clear definition. This difficulty and comprehensiveness is further complicated by the fact that different nations and communities, and members of each religion, express religion differently. If the concept of religion meant a certain religion, it would be easy to come up with a precise definition. In this context, we will examine the concept of religion, which has a great place in the lives of human beings. We will examine the meanings of religion and the unique features of the Islamic Religion. The study consists of two parts a conclusion. In the introduction part of the study, the subject, purpose, importance, method and problem of the research are presented. In the second part, the phenomenon of religion is emphasized and the studies on religions are presented. Each religion is examined within its own systematic and the basic characteristics of religions are briefly included. The relationship between religions is examined and the characteristics of Islam, which is our main subject, are revealed. Then, a general evaluation was made in the conclusion part. With this study, different perspectives on religion, which will occupy the most important part of people's lives for many years, have been examined and introduced into the literature.
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