Certain Evaluations on the Interpretation of the Camel of Prophet Salih (pbuh) as a Cult

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Tafsir, Miracle, Cult, Symbol, Prophet Salih, Camel


In the present article, the claims regarding the interpretation of the she-camel mentioned in the context of the parable of Prophet Salih (pbuh) as a “cult” are investigated. When Prophet Salih (pbuh) invited his tribe to the unity of Allah, they demanded a miracle from him. Allah sent a she-camel as clear proof that he was a prophet. Since the she-camel is attributed to Allah as “the camel of Allah” in certain verses, commentators regard it as a miracle proving the prophethood of Prophet Salih (pbuh). However, certain contemporary commentators of the Qur’an claim that the camel in question was a religious cult of the pre-Islamic Arabs. According to them, the parable of Prophet Salih (pbuh) is taken out of its historical context by commentators and evaluated only within the framework of the power of Allah and the relationship between lafz and mana. However, the method of understanding the Qur’an should be based not only on the relationship between lafz and mana, but also on the relationship between script and history. The attribution of the she-camel to Allah is meant to indicate that the animal in question does not belong to any one person and therefore the whole community is obliged to protect it. Furthermore, according to them, the events depicted as miracles in the parable of Prophet Salih (pbuh) and other parables are merely the formulation of natural events in accordance with the theocentric language system. Again, according to them, the demand of Allah to respect the right of the she-camel to drink water and not to kill it actually symbolizes the need to respect the rights of the weak and powerless, orphans and the poor within the public sphere. We are of the opinion that it is important to examine such claims, which are completely different from the miracle-centered interpretations of commentators, in terms of tafsir literature. Therefore, in the present study, the claims and arguments of those who consider the she-camel mentioned in the context of the parable of Prophet Salih (pbuh) to be a cult will be analyzed and evaluated.


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How to Cite

Özdemir, F. (2024). Certain Evaluations on the Interpretation of the Camel of Prophet Salih (pbuh) as a Cult. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(39), 302–310. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.10760679