Examining The Effects Of Panic Investment And Fear Of Missing Out The Investments On Individual Investment Performance In A High Inflation Environment

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Panic investment, fear of missing out, individual investment performance


In a high inflation environment where assets gain value and savings lose value, individual investment performance is a factor that significantly affects people’s well-being. In the individual financial management literature, it is observed that individuals’ investment decisions can be affected by prejudices. In this study, it is suggested that panic-based decisions and fear of missing out on investments can affect individual investor performance in an inflation environment. Indeed, studies show that emotions affect human behavior in many different contexts like consumer. Within the scope of the research, the relationships between the specified variables were tested with a field study conducted in Kırıkkale province based on primary data collected by convenience sampling method. As a result of the analysis of the obtained data, it was determined that in a high inflation environment, individual investment performance was affected by the “panic buying and selling” dimension of panic investment in the opposite direction, while the fear of missing out on investments positively affected it. It was determined that the “not being able to sell and buy with panic” dimension of panic investment did not significantly affect individual investor performance. In short, the idea that emotions and emotion based decisions can be important variables in individual investment performance was supported. Finally, suggestions were developed for researchers.


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How to Cite

Çelebi, G., Karaman, Çağlar, & Bozacı, İbrahim. (2024). Examining The Effects Of Panic Investment And Fear Of Missing Out The Investments On Individual Investment Performance In A High Inflation Environment. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 8(47), 1260–1269. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.14020743