The Impact of the Positivist Approach on Business Management

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Positivism, Business Management, Decision Making, Performance


The positivist perspective has a significant impact on the field of business management (Smith, 2018). This point of view refers to a structure based on scientific methods and objective observation. The effect of enterprises on the management approach shows how decisive the scientific approach is in decision-making processes and organizational structuring. The positivist approach emphasizes the use of scientific methods and the study of observable facts in the field of business management. This approach contributes to placing business management on a more scientific basis and making management decisions more effectively. However, the positivist approach has some limitations. Being aware of these limitations will help make more accurate and effective decisions in business management.


The positivist perspective strengthens the data-driven decision-making processes of businesses. Data analysis, statistical methods and scientific research support the strategic decisions of businesses and allow them to achieve more accurate results. This allows businesses to gain a competitive advantage. However, the positivist approach has some limitations. In particular, the impact of the human factor on business management should not be ignored. Human behavior, emotions, and social interactions cannot be explained by data and numbers alone. Therefore, in addition to the positivist perspective, businesses need to consider human-oriented and social dimensions. This study discusses in detail the positive and negative effects of the positivist approach on business management. Supported by case studies and research from different sectors, the contributions and limitations of the positivist perspective to business management are analyzed.


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How to Cite

Of, M., & Kılıçaslan, İsmail. (2023). The Impact of the Positivist Approach on Business Management. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(36), 1702–1712.