Contributions of Virtual Teams to Businesses

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Teamwork, Virtual Teams, Leadership, Motivation, Cost


Virtual teams are teams created and run by employees who are not physically in the same place. Virtual teams provide several benefits for businesses. Virtual teams allow employees or partners across geographic boundaries to work together. This provides an opportunity for businesses to access a wider range of customers or suppliers. In addition, virtual teams allow business employees to work more flexibly and therefore have a higher level of motivation.

Virtual teams also provide cost savings for businesses. For example, thanks to virtual teams, businesses can reduce or completely eliminate office costs. However, thanks to virtual teams, businesses can manage their employees more efficiently and therefore achieve a higher level of productivity. Virtual teams enable businesses to make decisions faster and more effectively. For example, thanks to virtual teams, businesses have the opportunity to realize projects or solve customer problems more quickly. In this study, it is aimed to examine the benefits of virtual teams for businesses. The study is designed to reveal the advantages of virtual teams for businesses and to provide information about how the use of virtual teams can be optimized for businesses. In this study, the benefits of virtual teams for businesses are examined under three headings: overcoming geographical boundaries, cost savings, and fast and effective decision-making. The study was conducted to reveal the benefits and negative aspects of virtual teams for businesses and to provide information about how businesses can use virtual teams more efficiently.


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URL 1: What is A Team?,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.10.2023

URL 2: Challenges of Virtual Teams and Solutions,, Erişim Tarihi: 09.10.2023



How to Cite

OF, M., & Kılıçaslan, İsmail. (2023). Contributions of Virtual Teams to Businesses. Premium E-Journal of Social Science (PEJOSS), 7(35), 1484–1493.